Thursday, June 23, 2011

Drive Me Crazy....

Mr. Pope sent me this. It's pretty funny and I'm moderately convinced he wrote it himself. Plus, I think it's a sign...

A sign that we've been together for a very long time.

Please to enjoy....

6 Ways To Drive Your Partner Wild in Bed
via Aiming Low by DanielleH on 6/22/11

It seems like Cosmopolitan and other lady mags have advice on how to titillate your partner in bed every month. Try as they might, they often miss the mark.

Here’s the inside scoop on six surefire ways you can drive your partner wild in bed.

1. Be sure to wear your oldest, largest t-shirt to bed, the one with holes in it that hangs at an unflattering angle against your bloated, candy-filled belly. Nothing says “ugh, not tonight” like an improvised Homer Simpson costume. Nothing will drive them crazier!

2. Make sure their side of the bed is filled with books, headphones, newspapers, magazines and anything else that screams “I’ve been here for hours.” Your partner will go from zero to RAGE as you move things around for ten minutes, lights shining in their face as they try to sleep and you try to clean up.

3. Eat something that produces an unbelievable amount of crumbs while leaning over their side of the sheets. Watch them FREAK OUT and rip the sheets off the bed with passionate abandon!

4. If at all possible, develop a stress-induced sleep disorder that involves accidental and completely involuntary kicking and punching. Nothing says HOT like being punched in the back unexpectedly, or repeated kicks in the shins. The surprise sleep attack will keep them guessing, and add SPICE to an otherwise dull, sleep-filled evening.

5. Nothing says “let’s do this” like sleeping corner-to-corner. Take up as much room as possible by stretching your body diagonally across the center of the bed, forcing your partner into the fetal position. They’ll either sleep so soundly they’ll develop rigor mortis, or relent and roll over onto you. Hot!

6. You’re hot. You’re cold. You’re hot. You’re cold. You can’t make up your mind about the blankets because your sexy, sexy body has a mind all its own. It might be too early for perimenopause, but your partner doesn’t have to know that! Keep them guessing by throwing the blankets to the ground only to commandeer the blanket entirely moments later! Their blood will boil with excitement. You are a wild stallion!

Friday, June 17, 2011


We've had a lot of doctor's appointments lately. Parker had his 2 year check up last month and Ellie had her 4 year check up at the beginning of this month. And yes, both of these appointments were late in comparison to when they actually turned 2 and 4. That's how I roll.

They are such good, strong, healthy kids. We know we are blessed. The docs always end up saying they are "small but mighty." I suppose it's true. Tough little guys. Emphasis on little....

But from both Eliana's (wonderful) Pre-school teacher and her (lovely) doctor we've heard that Eliana probably has a tough time with "transitions." This is another one of those, "Really?!? I hadn't noticed," moments for Mr. Pope and me. And that, my friends, is sarcasm.

It's obvious. She doesn't like to switch from one thing to the next.

But as I was scrubbing out the highly desired and overly-used gigantic bathtub in our bathroom the other day I had an epiphany. Yeah, no one really does well transitions, at all, ever, anyway. Mr. Pope had surgery and our life kind of stopped for 8 weeks. I still feel like I can't go do stuff all by myself with the kids because it's too hard when that clearly isn't the case anymore, they do great but I'm still a sissy. We've been in this house for over a year and I still feel like we just moved in.....

The list can go on and on. I guess we're not very good with transitions. Ellie came by in honestly, apparently it's genetic.

And now I'll be working for the next few weeks and we'll have to transition into that as well.

Parker will flip out and wake up all night long (like he needs an excuse). Ellie will ask every single morning, "Who's coming over today?!?" And then be sad when I come home for good and the grandma and papa visits slow down.

And then it will all be over and we'll have to transition into something else entirely...

Quotes of the Day:

"HaHa in the hole!!" ~ Parker, when he sticks the heads of all of his Batman figures into the holes in the coffee table. ("Haha" is Joker. "Hahahahaha Batman!!")
"Don't mind if I do!" ~ Elle when being offered some dip for her chicken nuggets.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Around the World

We've entered the season of a million activities. Seriously. If we have one thing to do it's because we've had to turn down five other fun things to do. This is a combination of way too many friends and family members making great invitations and our general inclination to want to do everything and nothing all at once. Making the rounds is exhausting. And so much fun.

Our Memorial Day Weekend was fantastic. The kiddos and I joined my family in Boulder for the Boulder Creek Fest on Saturday morning. We had the BEST time with Grandma & Papa Jones and "The Girls." Breakfast at Turley's where the waitress said Ellie and Park could have whatever they wanted because they were just about the best little kiddos she's ever waited on. Good job guys. Babes, you made out with a yummy breakfast and a TON of new crayons as that was her gift to you. And I got a huge delicious latte and the gift of drinking it while it was still hot.

At the festival we bought super cute hats (Parker's has green TRUCKS!! and Elle's has a super-cute flower and a bee), danced on the HipHop stage, got Kettle Korn, ran into some friends, road the train and jumped in the Jumpy Castle, and got Bubble Shooters from Papa Jim.

Sunday was park day with Aunt Wendy & Cole. The Arvada slide park is too much fun. And the fountain park and the ice cream from Old Town was my favorite part of the day. Mr. Pope was EXHAUSTED after the trip...but it's good to start getting out of the house and doing some fun stuff again. And we loved our time with the Velez family.

Monday was dinner with the family. Uncle Chris, just home from the Philippines, brought Parker a "Jeepney" and Eliana a Korean doll. And I got some cat poop coffee. Really. It's a thing in the Philippines. A story for another day....

But really, these kids get the coolest souvenirs. Philippine trucks! Race cars from Japan. Mexican art. Canadian Moose and the much coveted Roots hoodies! Russian dolls. Kazakhstan tops. Our family name carved into the same stone that built the Kremlin.

We get love from all corners of the world. We are so very lucky. It makes me think of a song...

And I've been obsessed with Daft Punk since high I have to post this one too as Parker saw it started shouting, "ROBOTS!!!"Ahhh, Robots!!" That little kiddo - warms my heart. (Watch until at least the middle. It is clever....)