On one of our rare nights out with friends I had the good luck of being the designated driver to the Westwood "Prom." Derrick's office hosted a winter ball of sorts and six of us drove across town all dressed up for dinner, dancing, and way too much laughing.
On the drive the conversation turned to cliches. You know the sort, "Everything happens for a reason," "When God shuts a door, he opens a window," "Never judge a book by it's cover." That sort of thing. And the general consensus was that we all hate these cliches and never want to hear or use them. Ever. We laughed about them all night.
I think the most abhorred was "It is what it is."
Well, right now, I'm thinking that everything happens for a reason and....it is what it is.
Last Wednesday I started having strong contractions (at 33 weeks) that landed me in the hospital for two days. We got everything under control with some regular medication and now I'm home for the duration of the pregnancy on strict bed rest. We're optimistic that we can get to 35 or 36 weeks and our little guy will be born healthy and strong without a stint in the N-ICU like his big sister two years before.
We're grateful that he seems to be thriving even if his mommy has a problem making it full term with her little Pope babies. We're so blessed to have so much help and assistance from our friends and family. The food, the visits, the Eliana-wrangling. It's all more than I could ask for...but they never make me ask.
There must be some reason why this happens to us....but who knows what it is. I only know that it makes me love my husband more than I ever thought possible to see him deal with everything so effortlessly. He never lets anything fall through the cracks. And sometimes I think I can see how much he loves me. It also reminds me how eternally grateful I am that our little girl is healthy and strong despite her early start.
And while I hate bed rest, it is what it is. We'll do what we need to do. And we'll welcome a bright, shiny baby into the world soon enough.