Thursday, July 2, 2009

All Systems Are Go!

Aye, it's been busy around here. We've been doing so much stuff that I've forgotten to keep up with my little blog experiment. So, I guess we'll have a "update" post as I can't come up with something clever to seamlessly tie all of our adventures together.

First, Jim's surgery went really well. He's home recovering after about 4 days in the hospital and actually goes back to work next week. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. It made a difference and we're pleased as punch that he has to put up with us for decades to come.

Second, Eliana and Parker are having an excellent summer, me thinks. Ellie has gotten lots of quality time in Mama & Papa's "pool" (hot tub) and Parker is growing like mad. The surgeon decided no surgery for our little man, which we are now fine with. No need for superfluous surgery. We'll just call his little umbilical hernia his "safety button" and move on. Eliana is convinced that the little bubble on his belly means the baby is going to pop but I think I have lots to time to prove that's probably not likely.

Third, I've decided that this is the summer of babies!!! We've had, and will have, lots of baby birthday parties, we have friends who just found out they are expecting, and friends that just had their babies (Welcome Matthew & Angie!!) We're also eagerly awaiting the arrival of our first niece in September. We're super-excited to have so much new company for our little ones. We got a head start on our group of friends but soon enough it will all even out.

Fourth, we've been very busy with little household projects that we finally have energy to tackle. We've got a basement bedroom to paint, organize and actually put to good use, some ceiling fans to get up, a swamp cooler to fix, and some new furniture to purchase. But we did put in a play area for the kids. Derrick did the whole thing in a few hours and Eliana has used it everyday since. Awesome!!

More to come as summer wears on. Happy Fourth to everyone!!

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