Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Mama "It" List

So....I like stuff as much as the next guy. But I don't like having too much stuff. I would rather have one really great "thing" as opposed to 10 mediocre ones. But that's pretty obvious, isn't it? It's really just a matter of knowing what the really great things are in advance so you don't have to keep trying, and through that, acquiring.

So here's my "It" list of the (baby) stuff I love.

1.) Britax Car Seats. Flat out best baby product, ever.

2.) Hotslings. I feel like I'm only at like 80% proficiency in using it, and I still like it. Easier/more practical than the Baby Bjorn. (And cuter. Is that so wrong?)

3.) Converse Toddler Shoes. Just so cute!!

4.) Carter's Footie-Jammies. You cannot wash them too much. They last forever and are great for our cold winter nights.

5.) Bumpkins Bibs. Just awesome. Easy to clean, easy to pack. Good for catching everything.

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