Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Totally High

As a ridiculously generous 5th Anniversary gift our parents, Barbie & Frankie, gave us a trip to go indoor skydiving!! It was crazy fun!! I was unreasonably nervous, but ended up loving it. Derrick was a rock. Literally. He tried to bend the wind to his will. It kind of worked.....

We both had tons-o-fun.
Thanks for the great weekend, Mom & Dad!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Married Life: The First Rule About Fart Club Is Don't Talk About Fart Club

Love this!! Derrick & I have a similar lecture for those wanting to know the secrets of our wedded bliss! Hehe.

My Married Life: The First Rule About Fart Club Is Don't Talk About Fart Club

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mr. Big Stuff

Parker is just getting so big. He's our little tank.

Eliana took her sweet time with everything...rolling over, sitting up, talking, walking. But Parker is a busy, busy little man. He rolled over at four months (sleeping on his belly every night now as he thinks he's all grown up). He's finishing whole bowls of rice cereal and we're quite excited to move on to more interesting delights. He's cooing and oohing all over the place. He's also mastering those things called hands so he might just stop punching himself in the face! Hooray!

He will also jump in your lap for HOURS if you let him. He's getting his volleyball legs, I think.

He's a sweet, sweet little man.
And he's starting to look just like his good-looking daddy.....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Welcome Baby

Rylee Isabel Sepsey

Wednesday, Sept. 16th, 2009
7 lbs. 3 oz.

Mom & baby are doing well.
Congrats little brother. You're now a big Papa.

Pictures to come!

Monday, September 7, 2009

A New Era

I was reading something in Psychology Today (mental note: order subscription to Psychology Today...good stuff) about some Evangelical minister who says that the main religion of modern America is consumerism. Hmmmmm.....

I can't disagree.

I grew up in the mountains when little mountain towns were still just that. I remember going to the store maybe once a week, but it was probably more like twice a month? Now, as a stay-at-home-mom, much like my own mom (but not as crafty and organized) I end up at the store at least four time a week. I never have what I need, I always need one more thing for dinner or something for the kids. We hardly eat out, we're not involved in crazy expensive hobbies or sports, I like to shop but almost everything I buy is on sale....so I think I justify. At some point, too much stuff is exactly that.

I don't really need so much junk!! It actually makes my life more difficult. So, I'm entering into a new era. For the coming fall and winter months I'm putting myself on a shopping hiatus. I've read blogs and articles about people who do this so I know it's possible. Ha! I'm not going crazy. We'll still need stuff. But I'm not buying so much stuff. I think I can do it.....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I can't say, "I had Parker so Eliana could have a sibling," because that's just not true. I love Parker and his little budding personality just for him. And, conveniently, now we get to have two wonderful kiddos who get to be siblings. I love brothers and sisters. I think they're the best thing in this whole wide world.

I adore my brothers. We laugh, we cry, we share stories of all the terrible things we did to each other.....They are some of the very few people on this planet who know exactly where I come from. I love that. I need that. I want my kids to have that.

And so....Eliana will have Parker and Parker will have Eliana. They seem to really love each other most days, as though they know they are a gift to each other. Maybe, in a few years, she'll even stop the imaginary school bus for him so he can get on safely. Hehe.