Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Outta the Box

I'm having a hard time with transparency lately. Writing a blog is a.) a great way for me to post stuff about our little life and the kids for our family who are all over this great US of A and the rest of the world, and b.) kind of annoying when you're a relatively private person who doesn't really like to offer too much and gets put off when she learns too much about other people's lives via the "interwebs," as Dan & Alisha like to call this whole internet thing.

Oh, technology and that whole love/hate/curse/blessing debate.....

One of my cousin's wrote a blog about Facebook stalking a while ago and how much time people spend peeking into the lives of complete strangers. And others I know both offer and find out way too much private stuff online. As though we are all "snowflakes" who need shout about our individuality All. Day. Long. (Note to self: Go watch Fight Club, again.)

So I criticize and yet I am a part of all of it. What a lame conundrum. So with that, here's some stuff about me and what makes me awesome!!!

Derrick and I hosted an "Out of the Box" wine party where we blind taste tested a bunch of boxed wines and crowned a winner: Fish Eye Pinot Nior. It was super fun with the super best of people. Wine, snacks and tons of laughs = perfect Saturday night.

Also, I'm loving this song. It's angst-y and silly and makes me want to be as passionate about life as I was when I was 20. It also makes me want to dance my face off.

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