Nonetheless, my mom is one of my best friends. But she wasn't any of those things I think of when I hear that expression. She was strict with high expectations and I am increasingly grateful for that. I even regret those few times I changed into scandalous clothes in the bathroom at school because she checked my wardrobe every morning before I left...but I digress.
We talk...a lot. On the phone, in the car, in person...and usually about nothing at all. But we talk a lot because we love to know what the other thinks and share the latest gossip and laugh and laugh and laugh.
She's always there when I need her. She always has good advice. She loves me unconditionally but isn't afraid to tell me when I'm out of control or being a brat. (What?!? Like that ever happens.) I love her and I respect her and I admire her. She taught me how to be a mom without me even knowing it. And I think everyday about how much she has done for me and how much she will always do for me and my brothers....because she's our mom. I love her like crazy and can't imagine doing any of the most important things in my life without her with me in one way or another.
Happy Mother's Day to mine and yours.
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