Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A little muffin to go with that coffee....

I don't mean to seem insensitive, but there is something that bugs me. It's this: moderately skinny girls don't get to complain about their weight after they have babies. There. I said it. I realize that weight loss is a fairly personal subject and the post-pregnancy flab affects lots of people in lots of different ways for lots of different reasons. But still, body identity is a huge part of how you see yourself and maybe even more so after you suddenly produce an adorable offspring and now have to learn how to see yourself as a mother, on top of all of your previous important roles. And somehow if you fall into the "you're not so bad" category you don't get to publicly lament the loss of your skinny self.

So I was made skinny. It's just how I am. And after two kids I kind of wondered if I'd feel like "me" again. I accept that pregnancy changed me. But I still wanted to return to feeling like me. Someday. Somehow. And so, today, I put on a pair of pants that I loved when I was working. That's pre-Eliana and definitely pre-Parker. The old-me pants. And they fit.

I'm not gonna lie. There's a little muffin-top going on. But not a ton. I'm on my way....

(Oh, and something else I must confess. I found the pants because my mom cleaned out my entire, huge, walk-in closet and put everything in neat, color-coded stacks. Amazing. She did it to help us sell the house, but I'm directly benefiting from the hard work. Thanks, Mom!!)

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