I'm rather excited about this Christmas, for lots of little reasons. One, Eliana is old enough to kind of understand how fun it will be. She LOVES the lights and the decorations and the big, blow-up snowman in our neighbor's yard. Every time we turn on the lights on our tree we get a big "Wow" out of her. That makes Christmas better. Having a little munchkin to really find the magic in it.
But second, and really most importantly, I feel like this year our little family is a real family. Real enough to be in our own house on Christmas morning instead of running to all the parent's homes for Christmas wishes and presents and meals. This is a big deal. A very big deal. We have A LOT of family. And we love them. But, it's exciting to be our own family and start to make our own holiday traditions. I'm so excited for Eliana to run down to the tree and open her presents, for Derrick and me to make caramel french toast for breakfast, and to listen to Christmas music in my jammies.
We've put up the tree, planned some fun events with friends and family, and are slowly but surely getting ready for a fun little holiday. It's like my own little present to myself.
i know what you mean. it would be nice to have x-mas at home by we dont really know any better. i think we wont have x-mas at our own house for a while. oh well im not a good decorator or cook anyway. hey we need to get together for sure, let me know what day and time is good for you.