Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I like to tell people who are not from Denver, and don't really spend a lot of time here, that it's always cold and snowy and we practically live in Igloos and everyone still rides horses. That way, they will stay where they are and not decide to move to my beautiful native state. But, as most people actually know, it's amazing here. The weather is incredible and this week has been no exception.

Today, amid the 70+ degree weather, Eliana, "Unky Jables" (aka Uncle John) and I visited the Denver Zoo and it was a truly wonderful January day.

Eliana, who is usually a total sweetheart, is also about to turn 2. It seems like everything is a challenge lately. No diaper changes, no t-shirts, no socks, no getting in the car, no lunch, no dinner, no milk....but lots of crying, screaming, and gate slamming. It's enough to drive me crazy. So this is why kids are so darn cute. It's god's way of making sure they live to the age of 10. But, these last two days, with summer-like temperatures, Ellie-Belle has been nothing but sunny herself. She had so much fun exploring the Zoo. She laughed at the zebras for five whole minutes. She told Uncle John how the giraffes were "So Big!" She lead us on a wild goose chase, literally, as John and I feared a over-friendly Zoo goose was going to try to steal her cookies....along with her fingers.

She quietly ate snacks when she was hungry, rode in the stroller when she got tired, listened fairly well as she practiced navigating a crowded place with new found independence. She sat patiently with John as I went to find us lunch. She is amazing. She is generally so well behaved that I should pinch myself and yet I find the hard days so freakin' hard!! How can this be?!? She is such a sweet, gentle, and logical little child. She's great. I think I'll keep her.

So, all in all, it was a truly great day. I love to be reminded of what I have to be grateful for and today provided plenty. Ellie is cool and Mr. John, my "baby" brother, is an incredible uncle and all around good person. Talking with him always makes me laugh and think and inevitably, I'll even learn something. Like, hyenas are more related to badgers than dogs or even cats. So there you have it.

A sunny day for all of us in the middle of a Colorado winter. I'll be smiling all day long.

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