Saturday, August 28, 2010

Adventures with Babies

I keep referring to our children as "the babies" and Eliana doesn't really appreciate this anymore. She, of course, is a big girl. And here is our big girl on a fake horse in Steamboat Springs. She REALLY wants a horse. Really. She told me about ALL THE WAY HOME FROM STEAMBOAT. Some days she drives me crazy. But she's so smart and so aware of everything in her little world that it's actually more amazing than annoying. Most of the time....

I took the kiddos up to Steamboat with my mom and dad and my grandmas, the kid's great-grandmas, for a few days of vacation. Why is it that vacation never feels like vacation with babies?? Excuse me, "baby" and "big girl"?? My mom informs me that you have to do the "hard time" and travel with them a lot, take them out to eat, and make them sit through Church (and they never actually have to do that last one...for now...) so that they are sweet, well-behaved cherubs when they're bigger. And I do have to admit Eliana is AMAZING in restaurants. She's so well behaved it's shocking sometimes. And Parker....well, I guess I'm just doing my "time" with that one.

Sweet Parker is just a crazy little boy. I love the age he's at though as I can actually see him learning. He practiced saying "Papa" under his breath for two minutes while walking across a bridge so he could say it out loud when Papa Jim picked him up. He's also quite convinced that every animal is a bear or a dog and they all say ''Moo."

Of all the things that drive me crazy in my day and in my life seeing how much Eliana and Parker really, truly love each other makes it all about 1000x better. They play and hug and chase and give each other good night kisses. I love that we have been able to give them each other. They'll have each other (if all goes according to plan) for the rest of their lives. It's the best thing we've ever done.

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